Sour Amnesia is a unique transatlantic hybrid between two legendary cultivars. Sour Diesel - a notorious East Coast classic, crossed with one of Europe's finest - the original Amnesia cut from southern Holland.

A tall, mostly sativa cultivar with a terpinolene-dominant terpene profile, Sour Amnesia clocked in at 6.4% terpenes and 31% total cannabinoids during a recent cultivation trial conducted by Segra. Other elevated terpenes include ocimene, farnesene and myrcene.

Expect a longer flowering period with this cultivar, but it's well worth the wait - under optimum conditions Sour Amnesia carries heavy commercial yields alongside its strong chemical profile. Many growers also harvest this cultivar early, specifically for hash rosin production.

Sour Amnesia

Reported Lineage

Sour Diesel X Amnesia



Selected By


Segra ID


Height Profile


Time in flower

56-65 days


Discovery ProgramFull provisionMother stock
Sour Amnesia
Sour Amnesia

Sour Amnesia is a unique transatlantic hybrid between two legendary cultivars. Sour Diesel - a notorious East Coast classic, crossed with one of Europe's finest - the original Amnesia cut from southern Holland.

A tall, mostly sativa cultivar with a terpinolene-dominant terpene profile, Sour Amnesia clocked in at 6.4% terpenes and 31% total cannabinoids during a recent cultivation trial conducted by Segra. Other elevated terpenes include ocimene, farnesene and myrcene.

Expect a longer flowering period with this cultivar, but it's well worth the wait - under optimum conditions Sour Amnesia carries heavy commercial yields alongside its strong chemical profile. Many growers also harvest this cultivar early, specifically for hash rosin production.

Total Cannabinoids

total cannabinoid percent

Relative Cannabinoid Content

relative cannabinoid chart

Total TERPENes

total terpenoids percent

Relative TERPENE Content

relative terpene chart